Wednesday, January 30, 2013

JC Training January 2013 - Jan 18-21, 2013

Dear Prayer Partners,

It is with great joy that I have the opportunity to share with you about our JC Training Camp two weekends ago. We had 24 Junior Counselors, three Summer Staff, six Directors, and two director children for the whole weekend. It was a packed house! The Lord moved in the hearts of the Junior Counselors as we spent time considering our Winter Camp theme “Rooted” and went through a chunk of the JC Training material. Before I tell any stories, I want to thank you for praying for all of us and being faithful to constantly lift up the weekend to God. We take much comfort in your prayers and know that they are of the utmost importance for the success of the ministry. Your prayers are greatly appreciated!
Nathan is a Junior Counselor that I got to know this past summer. If I remember correctly, I got to spend two weeks with him and thoroughly enjoyed my time. Nathan is a very hard worker and determined young man. The odds are against him though, as he fights to stay strong and healthy because of degenerative disease. Nathan didn’t share this with me during the summer, but over the JC Training Camp during our Prayer Group Nathan expressed the anger that he feels because of what he is going through and how it affects him and his friends. We took the opportunity to pray for him and lift up his struggles to Jesus right there. The climax of the weekend came for Nathan during our Cross and Communion session when he had the opportunity to write down his struggles on a piece of paper and see it burn up. At camp, we have some special flash paper that lights on fire, burns very quickly, and leaves no ash behind. It is always a very powerful time as the campers and JC’s see their struggles, sin, and shame burn up on the cross of Christ. Anyways, after the session, Nathan approached Amy and I and told us of the freedom that he felt from his anger. He explained to us how angry and upset he had become and how God set him free from those feelings when he gave them to the Lord. Praise God for the work in Nathan’s heart!
Larissa was a JC leader in disguise. That is, until she came up for training. She is one of our newest camper JC’s who came for the weekend. She also, was in our Prayer Group and really impressed us with her sincere and heartfelt prayers for her peers. She took everyone by surprise with her budding leadership skills and friendly spirit. The moment we saw this came when we challenged the JC’s with our Group Initiative. The task was to pass a marble from pipe to pipe from one end of the house to other and then put the marble into a small cup. This doesn’t sound very difficult, but when one teammate is blind, another mute, one missing a foot, and all only being able to hold it with one hand, then it becomes a challenge. Larissa, despite the challenge, took charge during the Group Initiative and really led her team with love and care. All of the directors were so impressed. Praise the Lord for this new JC!
Thank you again for praying for us. As you can see from Nathan and Larissa’s stories, your prayers make a difference in the lives of all who come to camp. May you be blessed for your partnership in this ministry.
                                                                                                In Christ,
                                                                                                Jeremy Allen, Assistant Director

Winter Camp 2013 - Session 1 - Jan. 4-6 - 4-6th Grade

Dear Prayer Warriors,

            I first wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for partnering in ministry with all of us here at Camp Alandale. Without the prayer the work that is done here at Camp by the Counselors, Junior Counselors, and Directors would not be nearly as fruitful as it is. So thank you, we covet your prayers.
            Well it was a fantastic first camp secession here at Camp Alandale. The 4th through 6th graders were so excited when the bus arrived to pick them up at the three different stops. We would open the doors and be greeted with smiles of children waiting to come up to Camp. It always amazes me how much the campers love our simple camp and simple program. I am realizing more and more what brings them back and what they love is the presence of God at camp, plus the love of counselors, the hugs, the encouragement, and the kinship they feel with other campers. A camper said to me that “this is the only place he goes where everyone understands what it feels like to be a foster kid and where everybody loves me”. Your prayers play a large part in this. Your prayers wage battle against the principalities and powers that want to frustrate campers and counselors alike. They attempt to stop what the Lord does at Camp, but we know Who has the victory!
            During the introductions at Camp everyone stands up one by one and says their name, where they are from, and then something about themselves, like what their favorite thing about Camp is, or their favorite ice-cream. One boy got up and said that his favorite thing was the friends he has at camp. He then pointed across the room at two boys and said, “you’re not my friends yet, but I know you will be by the end of the weekend”.  He sat down with a big smile knowing that Camp is the kind of place where everyone is accepted and loved, and the new boys would surely be his friends by the end of the next day.
            The most memorable time for me that weekend was during a time where we were able to give our burdens back to the Lord. We wrote them down on small pieces of paper and then put them in the fire. We saw them disappear and thought about how Jesus took our sins away and takes are burdens upon Himself. Later one of the girls came to me and said, “You know I was really able to give Jesus a burden that I have been carrying, even though I know the person that wronged me doesn’t even feel bad about it, I can still forgive them and now I can pray for them”. I know many of the campers felt the same way. All of the little ones that come to Camp have been hurt so much. I thank God for that we all get to be part of their healing, and your prayers make all the difference.
In Christ’s Service,
Matt Pritchett
Camp Director