Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Camp Alandale Prayer Update
Session 4, July 11-15, 2011

    Rule number one for the campers at Camp Alandale is to have fun, but for the staff, counselors, and junior counselors rule number one is to inundate the campers with the love of Jesus. This week we kept that rule.

    Antonio was a veteran camper; unfortunately veteran doesn't mean more manageable or cooperative. Getting him to participate in one-one ones was always a challenge and he frequently refused to participate in the game and amphitheater times. He gave me reasons as to why he was didn't want to participate, saying he was homesick or had problems with another camper. However, God helped me to see that although these were real concerns, they were just manifestations of a bigger problem. Despite this insight I wasn't able to figure out what this problem was until testimony time on Thursday night. When he told his testimony he shared how two members of his family, his mother and his sister had died in the last few years and he was struggling with the pain of that loss. Although he had already asked Jesus into his heart, he couldn't understand why God would take his loved ones away. The one on one we had that night made up for all his previous resistance, for he asked God to take away his pain and anger and he gave his burden to God!

    Likewise, Cheyenne has been coming to camp for five years now, in spite of this, she was unwilling to come this year and her mom had to force her. During worship time she never sang or did the hand motions, however as the week progressed she became more enthusiastic and even encouraged other campers to participate. The real breakthrough happened during one on one time on Thursday night when she opened up and shared that her grandfather, who is her best friend, is sick with leukemia. While she was telling me this she mentioned that she hadn't cried in five years, yet later that night as we performed a skit that is about a person who walks away from God, God softened her heart and she broke down and started crying. She rededicated her life to God and wants to stay in contact with her counselor so they can do Bible studies.

    Who is like our God? His mercies are unfailing. "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling" (Psalm 68:5.) We greatly appreciate your waging warfare on our behalf and we covet your prayers.

                            In Him,

                        Brian, Abby, and the Summer Staff

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