Friday, October 11, 2013

Quarterly Prayer Letter - October 2013

Manuel, who we asked for prayer to continue to heal from the trauma of severe abuse and his family’s rejection returned to camp this summer so much stronger and your prayers were all answered. The assault charges were dropped and he stopped the drugs he had used to soothe his pain. This boy has a growing tender heart, amazing leadership skills and a boldness that needs to be used for the Lord whom he now loves. The one he was afraid to totally trust is his best friend, he said!

Thanks for the prayers for the  Summer Program, Staff,
Counselors and JC’s! God put together a remarkable team That made a big difference!

Click here to go to our Prayer Blog.

Camper Salvations – So many campers responded as we introduced them to the life changing and healing reality of Jesus Christ. Please pray for their continued growth. Some were so brutally abused that you wondered how they could realize there is a God after years of sexual abuse, being used as slaves, being ripped from away from siblings, forced prostitution and the like. It was amazing to watch anger and hate melt before a God who was the only one who could reach them through His penetrating love. Pray that they will be protected and that their anger and bitterness will not return. May they retain what received and not stolen away. May there be fewer traumas in their lives and ease in heeding the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

David & Jimmy - need prayer that their walk with Jesus stays strong, resting in His grace and that they make it through the Jr. Counselor application process since they want to serve back at camp.

Chris – and about 8 others couldn’t make the decision at camp and need to bow their knee to the Lord and believe and be saved

Ty – and several other campers need to find their identity in Jesus and not their past abuse. Freedom evades them and only God’s truth will free them.

Counselors – It is Counselor recruiting time again for winter camps. Please ask the Lord to send just the right ones, who understand the camper’s needs and can show them the Love of Christ.

Camp Jr. Counselor (JC’s) recruiting (15-20 years), mentors to step up for camper JC’s, productive opportunities to share at churches. Please also pray for the Winter Camp Program planning which has started.

Staff – Four staff have close extended family that need health issues resolved, two need to purchase vehicles and health challenges have risen again for most. Please pray for Tarrah who is starting a MOPS group. Pray for Amy as she begins a Doula Certification program this fall and attends classes and reads books.

Building Project - Now that the Public Use Permit is approved, please pray as we raise funds to build. Lots of potential help is possible so we are encouraged. The Lord is in control and we want to trust in Him to provide. We want all the glory for this project to go to Him. Pray that things run smoothly for the project and move forward quickly and for Dan’s wisdom.

Winter Camp - Pray over the program for winter camp, as we put together  the theme, studies, talks, games, etc. Pray that it would be especially encouraging and growing for the campers.

Staff Unity - Pray for the unity of the whole staff and protection from the enemy, who is so quick to divide and discourage.

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