Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summer Staff Training 2012 - June 10-15

Dear prayer family,

            Greetings and thank you for your prayers! This past week I watched as God took a diverse group of people and knit them together into a team. I have been on staff a few years now, as have many of the staff. However, this year more than any other I was impressed by the love for the Lord and kids in the foster system that each of these staff members have.

            Several times during this training week the staff made it a point to get together for prayer and devotions in addition to those scheduled in the program. In past summers, the staff normally meets at 6:45 for devotions together. However, we all decided that we should get together earlier on the weeks when camps occur to pray specifically for the day. Just as God has impressed the extreme importance of prayer on our lives, I am thankful that He has done the same in your lives. I can only attribute the abundant spiritual atmosphere to the prayers being offered up to God by His saints. Before Jesus started his ministry on earth He made it a point to be alone and prepare himself for the ministry that He was going to do. In a similar way, I am thankful for the week that we had prior to camp where we could prepare ourselves physically and spiritually to serve these children.

            Having the knowledge that we are being covered in prayer, it is with much anticipation that I look forward to this summer, and I am confident that God will work mightily both in the hearts of those serving and those being served. We covet your prayers.

                                                                                    In Him,
                                                                        Brian and the Camp Alandale Staff

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